The Established Secures Investment from Brand Capital-The strategic investment arm of Bennett, Coleman and Company Ltd
Mumbai (Maharashtra) [India], July 24: In a significant move for the digital media industry, The Established, anew digital publishing company that launched last year, announced today that it secured astrategicinvestmentfromBrand Capital.
The Established, with its robust focus on delivering engaging and culturally relevant contentacross fashion, beauty, and society for new-age Indians, has continuously pushed theenvelope within the landscape. This partnership with Brand Capital will propel TheEstablishedtoredefine,scale,andexpanditsoperations forits communityglobally.
“We are delighted to partner with The Established in their growth and success. Times Groupaudience and The Established community have tremendous synergy and we see that of greatvalue, helping the company achieve scale and growth,” said Sam Subramaniam CEO, BrandCapital.
AkashSheth, Founder of The Established said “Brand Capital’s belief in our vision andcommitment to our growth is a testament to the potential they envision in our uniqueapproach to content. We started super small but have been able to grow our readershipsubstantially over the last 12 months. We have been, at the same time, successful in signingup marquee brands with native solutions. We are also super excited about our soon-to-launche-commerce drop in the third quarter this year, giving our community access to a large set ofcuratedhomegrownandinternational brands.Thisinvestmentwill significantlyaccelerateourplanstoexpandandbringhigh-quality,inclusivecontentandcommercetoawiderbase.”
Shruti Thacker, Co-founder and Editorial Director of The Established added “The Establishedis a resonant voice for an emerging generation of Indians. We are staunch advocates of thenotionthatthemostprofounddiscoveriesarise fromthe fusionofdiversesubjectsandpeople.Andourcontentdeliversthat.Ourambitionsextendbeyondbeingmerelyafashionor beauty destination; we strive to scrutinise luxury through a cultural lens. This approach hasengendered the growth of a community that spans the globe, one that celebrates diversity andinclusion.”
This move aligns with Brand Capital’s strategy of investing in promising businesses acrosssectors. Brand Capital is one of the foremost players in helping Indian brands grow and reachclosertotheiraudience.Ithas auniqueinvestmentapproachandaproventrackrecord.
With this investment, The Established is poised to further its mission and extend its influence in the publishing world, while also providing its audience with more compelling, diverse, and engaging content.