National Media Conclave & Rashtriya Navratna Awards 2023 to be held at 10th August in Vigyan Bhawan New Delhi
New Delhi (India), August 9: Electronic and Print Media Welfare Association is Organising National Media Conclave and RashtriyaNavratna Awards 2023 at VigyanBhawan New Delhi. National President of electronic and print media Association SushilPandit told that prominent political leaders, journalists, media houses, digital news platforms, writers, freelancers, dharmgurus, spritual leaders, astrologers, doctors, social activists, educationalist, Legal associates, bureaucrats, celebrities, police officials and social media stars are participating in the Conclave.
Nominations of awardees across india have been recieved to Comittee. Final awardees in different Catogeries shall be Falicitated with RashtriyaNavratna Award 2023.
Noida based journalist SushilPandit is leading the Media association organising National Media Conclave 2023. OrganisingComittee having experienced journalists and editors like pramodmishra, rahulmittal, jeetendrachaudhary, ramanthakur, muninderyadav, Manoj vats, pramodyadav, sugharsingh, ankitsrivastava, gaurav gaur, abhishekkumar, chandanupadhyay, punitgoswami, prakarvarshney, pawanchaudhary, sushiltyagi, deepupandit, sundeepsharma, other journalist and media association, office bearers of association will lead the Conclave.
Patrons ch.Shersingh, atulAggrawal, ashoksrivastava, Anshumantripathi, alokdiwedi, R. B. Upadhyay, poonammehta, ajayjha, nandgopalverma, sunilchaudhary, O. N. Mishra, Dr. Rajesh Pathak are directing the organisingComittee playing key role in Media Conclave.
Tv channels, news papers, digital platforms, youtube channels and other prominent media houses are channel partners of this conclave.
Panel discussion in national media conclave will cover different topics and issues like growing india, how to make our society strong in different fields, role of media in society, cyber crimeawarness, child education, healtyindia, make in india, G 20, Swacchbharat, azaadikaamritmahotsav, Sprituiality, vastu, astrology, medical healt, women empowerment, smart villages, better education, emoloyment, and uplifting of society.
Senior vice president of association Pramodmishra, Rahul mittal, National vice president jeetendra chaudhary, National general secretary raman thakur, secretary chandanu padhyay, Uttar Pradesh President Sughar Singh, National Secretary Prakharvarshney, Gaurav gaur, deepu pandit secretary, sundeep sharma secretay Delhi, Manoj vats, Pramod Yadav, Abhishek Chandan upadhyay, Suner Singh, Virendra Sharma and others are playing important role in organising National Media Conclave.